Wednesday 1 April 2009

Rough Cut

We decided to alter the establishing shot from match on action to starting from inside the door. This was because we found the camera work was too shaky, ideally we would have liked to have used a steady-cam as used in Halloween (John Carpenter 1978) ( however we were unable to find a suitable alternative to this so we decided not to use the shot. We also thought the narrative enigma of the footsteps and not knowing who was walking towards the door was a useful technique in building tension. Some of our audience feedback suggested we should use a greater variety of shot techniques although we still decided to cut this shot and incorporate more varied shots later on in the production.
We used too many long continuous takes in our rough cut and from our research on target audience and our audience feedback we decided we would rectify this by inter cutting short flashbacks into the shot. This received a very positive response from our audience feedback.
Our rough cut proved that our plot wasn't developed enough because of the length of our production so we added a shot of the central protagonist being kidnapped, part of the flashbacks which were inter cut with the continuous take.
Something else we picked up on from our audience feedback was that it wasn't clear how the girl was gagged. This was because we initially used sellotape to cover her mouth which didn't show up on camera. We re shot all the scenes of the girl tied up and used black tape instead of sellotape to rectify this.

In our second rough cut we added the alleyway scene to give greater exposition and a greater shot variety because we were criticized for both of these in our initial audience feedback. We were able to inter-cut these into our edit later in the process.

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