Thursday, 19 March 2009

Micro Drama

We applied Tordorovs 5 part narrative formula to our micro drama. The basic state of equilibrium at the outset when the girl is on the phone to her mum. The disruption of the equilibrium by the action of the two girls confronting the protagonist. The recognition of the disruption by the protagonist hitting the girl and an attempt to repair the equilibrium by the two girls calling an ambulance however
our micro drama doesn't show a reinstatement of equilibrium. We set mood with our choice of music which was fast paced and used the Thurlow theory of the active question as the girls want the phone and overcome obstacles in the process.

Levi Strauss's theory of the binary opposition is also applicable as the central protagonist is blonde making her appear innocent, the other girls have brown hair and appear more common than the protagonist. We also used several of propps character archetypes such as the villain and the princess.

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