Tuesday, 31 March 2009


We decided to follow the codes and conventions we noticed in slasher film openings when undergoing our genre research. We considered using counter-types but then decided, taking into account the age of our target audience and the socio economic groups we aimed it at (C2DE) as our genre is more seen as "popular culture" whereas class groups ABC1 are generally associated with "high culture" such as period dramas. We could have possibly appealed to this class grouping by not having our product centrally based on teenagers and introduced authority figures or counter-types however we decided to try and target the majority of our target audience rather than attempting to bring in the higher class audience. We made our final decision on using the stereotypical "Scream Queen" We cast Sophie to play this part as she has blonde hair and a more curvy figure comparable to to characters such as Tammi from Donkey Punch or Drew Barrymore's character in Scream.

We cast Theo as the murderer as he is the specific age we were looking for and has acting experience. We were looking for a male who looked like a typical teenager, not dissimilar to Billy Loomis from Scream.
We wanted our character to be in their teens so it would appeal to our target audience and soci economic audience and from our research we decided Sophie and Theo fit these specifications best out of our other options.
We are aware that our cast shows a very narrow representation of the generally public as it does not involve any ethnic minorities or characters with disabilities however we found that some successful horror films do not contain any ethnic minorities or characters with disabilities such as The Ring so decided to overlook this fact.

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