Thursday, 2 April 2009

Sound And Music

We searched the Internet until we had a sufficient amount of copyright free sources as from our research we found sound and music are crucial features to building tension.

We thought about the music we wanted for our production and looked at the music in existing texts in our genre research. Sound was essential in our production as we wanted to keep the violence off screen as it is difficult to make it look realistic. We used the heart monitor and flat line sound to connote to the audience that she is dead, even though they only see the murderer moving towards the girl.
We also wanted to use a heartbeat sound through out to make the audiences heart beat become irregular therefore making them feel unconsciously tense, a technique we found used in the opening of Scream (Wes Craven 1996) and Halloween (John Carpenter 1978)
We experienced some problems with our audio. In the establishing shot we had some recorded footsteps and some from the actual take. When the ones from the actual take begin there was alot of noticeable ambient noise which we were not able to rectify. Also when the girl is dragged out of the alleyway the audio stops a couple of seconds before the shot does.
Our music is typical of our genre because of the use of the eerie long drawn out notes.

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