Friday, 27 February 2009

Initial Idea

The genre is horror/slasher. It would be a BBFC certificate 15 and have a target audience of ages 15 to 35.

The establishing shot is a tracking shot from behind filming a teenage girl walking home in the dark. I chose a tracking shot to give the feeling the girl is being stalked or watched, as in Halloween when Laurie is walking to school. This could cause a problem however as lighting could be an issue as it will be dark. There is a rustling sound behind the girl and a close up of her face to show her emotion. Her house detached, with lots of windows to create a sense of vulnerability because you can be watched, and surrounded by trees to create isolation, similar to the house in the initial scene of Scream. There is a tinted blue light on the house, an effect commonly used in horror films almost to connote the supernatural. She turns around and carries on walking towards her door, there is a shot from inside the door of her key entering the keyhole and turning. There is a match on action shot of the girls hand pushing the door and the girl entering the door. I chose this shot to build tension. The music would be long drawn out notes and occasional high strings getting increasingly faster to build more tension and put the audience on edge. She walks into the kitchen "Hello? Mum?" there is a point of view shot from inside a cupboard showing the girl walking a round the kitchen. There is then a shot out of the cupboard of the girl making a drink. A rustling noise comes from the cupboard. As she walks slowly towards the door the music speeds up, she opens the door and screams, then it cuts to black. The house should be a slightly larger than average and look like an average middle class house. The girl should be wearing tight revealing clothing and have brown hair, this gives the text polysemic meaning as it could be interpreted in two ways, as the girl could be interpreted as sexually available and provocative from the way she is dressed however stereotypically, blondes have this image and brunettes tend not to be thought of this way. It is also a counter-type, such as in The Ring (GoreVerbinski 2002) where the Final Girl Rachel Keller is blonde.

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